import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd #this is how I usually import pandas
import sys #only needed to determine Python version number
import matplotlib #only needed to determine Matplotlib version number
from pandas import *
%matplotlib inline #Enable inline plotting
Check the version of Pandas
Open and read data
df = pd.read_csv(My_data) #Read the dataset
df #look at data frame
data = read_csv('Desktop/SCW/Test/Main_data.csv') #Easier method
data.head() # show first five rows-default
data.head(10) # show first ten rows
data.tail() # show last five rows # summary of data
data.ix[2:4,['Country', 'GNI']] # slicing by row and column
data['GNI'].max() # data.GNI.max() # Same notation for maximum
data['GNI'].min() # data.GNI.min() # Same notation for minimum
data['GNI'].median() # data.GNI.median() # Same notation for median
data.describe() # descriptive statistic of data frame
data.GNI.describe() # descriptive statistic for a single column
data_grouped = data.groupby('Year') # group the Year
data_grouped.GNI.median() # Show the median of each group(country) separately
data_grouped.get_group(2011).GNI.hist() # make a histogram of 2011 only
data_grouped.get_group(2012).GNI.hist() # run with above line make two histogram simultaneously, side by side plot
data_grouped.boxplot(column = 'GNI') # compare boxplots side by side
df = pd.DataFrame(data_grouped)
data.GNI.hist() # histogram plot
data.GNI.hist(bins=20) # set the number of bins for histogram
data.IncomeInequality.plot.area() # area ploting
df.boxplot(column='GNI') # boxplot
data['GNI'].plot() #data.GNI.plot()
data_2011 = read_csv('Desktop/SCW/Test/Year-2011.csv')
d = data_2011.plot(color = 'red')
d = data_2011.plot(kind = 'bar',color = 'red') # make a bar graph
d = data_2011.plot(kind = 'barh',color = 'red') # make a horizontal bar graph
d = data_2011.plot(kind = 'bar',color = 'red' , figsize= (20,5)) # Change the plot size
d.set_title ('YEAR 2011' , fontsize =40) # Add the title to the plot
d.set_xlabel('xaxis',fontsize =20) # label the x axis
d.set_ylabel('Yaxis',fontsize =20) # label the Y axis
d.legend(['Test']) # Legend the plot
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11be3b4978> will be gone with adding ; at the end
d = data_2011.plot(kind = 'scatter', x ='InfantMortality' , y ='GNI',color = 'green' , figsize= (20,5))
d.set_title ('YEAR 2011' , fontsize =40)
d.set_xlabel('xaxis',fontsize =20)
d.set_ylabel('Yaxis',fontsize =20)
fig = d.get_figure() # Save your figure in folder
d = data_2011.plot(kind = 'scatter', x ='InfantMortality' , y ='GNI',color = 'green' , figsize= (20,5),marker = '*',s =100)
d.set_title ('Year 2011' , fontsize =40)
d.set_xlabel('xaxis',fontsize =20)
d.set_ylabel('Yaxis',fontsize =20)
fig = d.get_figure()
slope = data_2011['IncomeInequality'].corr(data_2011['InfantMortality'])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
cmap = cm.get_cmap('Spectral')
d =data_2011.plot('InfantMortality', 'IncomeInequality', kind='scatter', s=10, figsize=(20,10),c=range(len(data_2011)), colormap=cmap,ax=axes[0])
d.set_title ('Year 2011' , fontsize =40)
d.set_xlabel('xaxis',fontsize =20)
d.set_ylabel('Yaxis',fontsize =20)
def label_point_orig(x, y, val, ax):
a = pd.concat({'x': x, 'y': y, 'val': val}, axis=1)
for i, point in a.iterrows():
ax.text(point['x'], point['y'], str(point['val']))
label_point_orig(data_2011.InfantMortality, data_2011.IncomeInequality, data_2011.Country, plt)
linear = np.polyfit(data_2011.IncomeInequality, data_2011.InfantMortality, 1)
r_x, r_y = zip(*((i, i*linear[0] + linear[1]) for i in data_2011.IncomeInequality))
linear_plot = pd.DataFrame({
'IncomeInequality' : r_x,
'InfantMortality' : r_y
linear_plot.plot(kind='line', color='Red', x= 'IncomeInequality', y= 'InfantMortality')
from matplotlib import cm
cmap = cm.get_cmap('Spectral')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2)
d =data_2011.plot('InfantMortality', 'IncomeInequality', kind='scatter', s=10, figsize=(20,10),c=range(len(data_2011)), colormap=cmap,ax=axes[1])
d.set_title ('Year 2011' , fontsize =40)
d.set_xlabel('xaxis',fontsize =20)
d.set_ylabel('Yaxis',fontsize =20)
def label_point_orig(x, y, val, ax):
a = pd.concat({'x': x, 'y': y, 'val': val}, axis=1)
for i, point in a.iterrows():
ax.text(point['x'], point['y'], str(point['val']))
label_point_orig(data_2011.InfantMortality, data_2011.IncomeInequality, data_2011.Country, plt)
linear = np.polyfit(data_2011.IncomeInequality, data_2011.InfantMortality, 1)
r_x, r_y = zip(*((i, i*linear[0] + linear[1]) for i in data_2011.IncomeInequality))
linear_plot = pd.DataFrame({
'IncomeInequality' : r_x,
'InfantMortality' : r_y
s = linear_plot.plot(kind='bar', color='Red', x= 'IncomeInequality', y= 'InfantMortality',ax=axes[0])
fig = s.get_figure()
import glob
x = 0
for name in glob.glob('Ye*'):
data = read_csv(name)
d = data.plot(kind = 'scatter', x ='InfantMortality' , y ='GNI',color = 'green' , figsize= (25,10),marker = '*',s =100)
d.set_title((name[5:9]), fontsize =40)
d.set_xlabel('InfantMortality',fontsize =20)
d.set_ylabel('GNI',fontsize =20)
fig = d.get_figure()
fig.savefig('All' + str(x)+'.pdf')
x +=1